Walking for Health - Logo

This was a real path to an answer. Above is the finished identity I worked on with Interabang, a design company in London. It is a rebrand for a scheme that promotes Walking for Health. You might spot the logo on gates & stiles from routes up and down the UK. 

The original logo for Walking for Health

We played about with various ideas to begin with:

My Muybridge version

My take me to your leader option

The client definitely wanted to include humans walking. We went in a few different directions, then Interabang suggested I look at Matisse figures that are simple yet full of movement. 

Interabang's initial Matisse suggestion

Matisse paper cut figure leaping
Matisse dancers sculpture

My first Matisse visual 

I love my first interlocking striding version (above). The client liked it too, although we had to remember the target audience, the social element in going for a walk, the various abilities and ages of those this scheme might appeal to. So I had to define more of a relationship between the figures. There were also a worries about the shape of the heads and the characters' general androgyny of the figures. 

Next stage included friendlier walkers

Various decisions were made about the thickness of the characters and their anatomy until we reached our final solution (below). 

The new and existing lo

Not wanting to appear Hi-faluting, I love the fact that fine art has fed into this solution.

Here is how it looks on the web: 

Interabang is a design company based in London, specialising in Identity, branding, print, digital and campaign graphics. It is owned by Adam Giles and Ian McLean. Website: http://interabang.uk.com/

Here is the link to the Walking for Health website: http://www.walkingforhealth.org.uk/

1 comment:

  1. Hi Becks, Hadn't looked at your site for a while, I've missed it. You Walking For Health logo is brilliant. It looks so simple but, you've shown us the work that goes into making, what we might take for granted. Well done.
